Monday, March 19, 2012

Defamation Response From Charles Uchu Strader and Gaia Host Collective

This site is here as a response to a defamation site.  You may see that site listed in Google results with a similar blogspot address that keyed off my name Charles Uchu Strader.  This defamation attack was done by someone that threatened us with doing something similar, though they've stood behind Google-ized anonymity.  That person was never a customer of Gaia Host's or Charles Uchu Strader.

They are using blackhat-spammy SEO techniques, impersonating my working name, and are truly the untrustworthy individuals.  No reason to attack back, just some defense.

It's mostly, just disappointing.

Defamation on the Internet is not a one time event, contrary to the case law that has dominated the take-down orders for defamation on the Internet.  Further, the protection behind Google-ized anonymity can add $10,000's of dollars to the cost of trying to get an order from a court.

One of Gaia Host's customers is working on legal and policy issues around anonymous defamation on the Internet, check out their work at Without My Consent.

From this very personal experience: It's sort of like the person is yelling at you each time you see the page come up in a search result, especially when the attack is directed at you personally.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, now let's move on...

We hope you take time to get to know who we really are at Gaia Host Collective.